Friday, September 26, 2008

Never belonged..,

Preserved a single dream.
Such perfection, ‘t felt so right,
the imprint on fragile heart.
Unresolved, unrequited,
I contemplated day & night,
to nurture safe, under eyelid
or, instead, under rocks to hide.
Chose latter. Echoes in the dark.
Unspoken words, fragile heart, doth breaks
When, mind’s eye, with eloquence reverberates
Repress, forget, tried I, might,
the rocks crushed harder.
What do I do? Now,
a million smiles to worry.
But diamonds ever brittle?

Monday, September 15, 2008

TUE 9/16 FOX 8/7c

waitinggggGGGGGGG.... time is not moving soon enough....

Season premiere of HOUSE M.D

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Shifting base

Moving from a place to another, to me, has become just a 'List of things to do'. Isn’t it kind of sad?

Where are the human components? Whatever happened to living in the moment? Oh, oh, that’s right, I forgot about this new policy I’m following presently. It’s better not to feel sad leaving behind friends now; rather it’s healthy to miss them much, once far away, and think about things that I could have said and done when I had the chance.

The emotional part of the equation sucks big time.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Story of my life....

I: (excitedly) Hello…. I’m home...
Him: (enthusiastically) bark bark bark....

In few days
I: (excitedly) I’m home...
Him: (enthusiastically) bark bark bark....

Few days later
I: (normally) Hello...
Him: (enthusiastically) barkkkkk....
I: Please, shut up

Few more days passed, when
I: (excitedly) Hello!
Him: -
I: (excitedly) Hello!
Him: -
I: (normally) Helooooooo?
Him: -
I: (sadly) Helllloooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Echos of barkkkkk

Friday, September 5, 2008

Says the operator..,

I reel life, part of reeling in own.

Its fun to roll with slides, that

Offers a spectacular view of life -

Pictures of coherent moments.

I'm part of love; I witness war.

One day I'm a beggar.

In the next, I'm God

Some days overwhelming, loud;

Party and crowd

While some others are lazy;

I'm lonely and bored

Staring at foot prints,

Left behind in wake

I live the life in my head.

Well, what do you expect?

I'm just an audience!