Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I want to be able

I want to be able to write, anything, when I want, where I want and however I want.

I should be capable of writing exactly how I think.

I wish I could put all the emotions I envision on paper, exactly in the same way.

I want to be able to strike a balance between the way I want to write and what I want to write and be able to stick with it, through the time I struggle to pen down what I want to write in the way I want.

I would really like to write in such a way, my friends would love; would talk about and would come back to read more of it.

I want to think and put forth my ideas independent of the style of the authors I read.

When people read what I write, they should feel and be the thing I had written about.

No subject of a matter should be a problem to write about for I should be able to put in words.

The need to be anonymous should no longer exist, for I should be able to disguise all identities with my words.

Never a draught, never a surplus, but exactly right should be the point of my style.

A hint of self, hint of personal memories should not pepper my work.

I crave to be able to write, anything, when I want, where I want and however I want.

In the background: Tune

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